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Who is L.S. Carr?

"Your story will be wonderful"


I am the author and creator of Saving Tara, a world filled with magic and mystery. I have been working on the story behind Saving Tara for 14 years and counting. There have been dozens of rewrites, scrapping, and revisiting of this world; but, one thing has always stayed the same... the magnificent journey that Emmet must embark on to save the world. 
Throughout the years I have dipped my hands in other careers, trying to find my place in the world. I never thought that it would be possible that Saving Tara would ever be finished, much less published, but here I am. Before this I was on my way to be a pastry chef, I attended Johnson and Wales University but never graduated. I had many jobs in the food industry world but never felt like I truly belonged. After my final attempt at working within this in a small cupcake shop, I decided it was time to do something I truly love to do, write. The first time I ever created a story on paper was when I was 7 years old, and it soon became the base of Saving Tara. It was something I would do in my free time as a child, weaving these dreams I would have into reality. I was in 3rd grade when my father finally let me use his computer to begin typing up the very first print of one of these stories. I remember the absolute joy that encompassed me when I felt those words printed on a shitty little printer in our apartment complex. Over the years my father has supported this; paying for a computer, reading my stories, editing, and even taking me places to get rid of that pesky writer's block. We didn't have much but he always found a way to help me with my passions. 
I currently work a retail job, taking any moment I can to work on my stories. When I'm not writing or working I hang out with my close circle of friends, watching horrible movies and cosplaying characters within pop culture. I attend cons throughout the year, so if you ever see me don't be afraid to say hello! 
My fiancee(Puck Moody) and I have a small apartment; with our energetic puppy, and aloof cat. I wouldn't trade our life together for anything more. Without them by my side, I would never have been able to achieve what I have. I met Puck while attending Johnson and Wales, we have been inseparable since. We got engaged a year and a half after dating at our local Renaissance Festival under a large tree. They have walked with me down this path of changing careers and finding joy in this earthly realm. 
I hope that you too find happiness within this world I have created; and if you're a writer, don't ever stop chasing that little blinking line on the computer. 
Your story will be wonderful.

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