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James of the East Wing; Part 1

This is a short story based on a character from my Kickstarter backer James! He told me to have fun with this one. I hope you enjoy it!

The wind whipped against his shining grey feathers, his wings keeping him high in the swirling sky. The sun was setting but it was easy for James to navigate as the Tree of Life’s bright glow shone across the rolling hills across Tara. His hair was pulled into a tight ponytail but at this point the ribbon had flown out with force, leaving the light brown strands to pull away from his face. The castle slowly came into view, the stone building large in comparison to all the other houses under the grass. His glassy eyes locked onto a clearing before the front doors and turned his body down headfirst. He pulled his wings in tight against his body and fell heavily towards the ground. His feathers brushed against his skin, his second lids closed tight across his eyes as the wind rushed against his face. Mere seconds before he would make the impact he opened his wings wide, swooping at a dangerous angle and landing with a swirl of debris. His head flicked up quickly and locked eyes with the front door. He took a deep breath, gliding his hands across his legs and ridding his clothes of the dislodged dirt that now fell around him. He adjusted his belt, allowing his hand to rest on the weapon as his hip. It was stone at its hilt, the metal shaft compacted in on itself inside the long holster. Without breaking his gaze with the door he began to walk forward, his steps certain and determined. It almost felt like the ground shook as the power behind his stride exploded with impact. By the time he had made it to the doors they were already open, two guardsmen standing at attention in his presence.

“Where is Queen Estra?” his voice was commanding and one of the guards straightened his back against the flat surface behind him. The spear in his hand tapped against the floor before he spoke.

“In her chambers, sir, with the Sapphire Representative,” His words followed James as he passed them quickly.

“Wait, sir!” the other guardsmen called after him, “Your hair!” he called louder, hoping to regain James’ attention, to no avail. James hustled to Queen Estra’s chambers, no other objective catching his attention. The bag at his hip jingled and he adjusted his shirt as he moved. He turned down the halls, his shoes making a clicking sound against the marbled floors and echoing through the empty halls. This time of day everyone was preparing for dinner so the castle's typically busy halls were almost barren. The curtains billowed as he passed, his wings already tucked against his back. James wasn't worried about fully putting them away, he never really was. It was second nature to use them for menial things. It was almost an honor to have them, so it was only natural for him to keep them out. He quickly came upon the stairs leading sharping upwards. At the top of them was a curtained doorway, wind flicking the bottom away from the floor. The curtains thin fabric rolled and moved almost revealing the room. He stepped quickly, not bothering to let his foot touch every step on the way up. He allowed his wings to open only slightly, giving him a push upwards with his steps.

“Queen Estra!” he called before pushing back the curtain and letting his eyes fall onto the room behind it.

A woman with curly light brown hair turned her head to see the person entering her chamber. Her eyes were a bright blue and her brows were knit together in worry. Sitting across from her, next to an open window, was a man small in stature but wide in frame.

“James? What’s the problem?” he questioned, a long wooden pipe hanging from his mouth.

“Queen Estra, I must speak to you immediately.” he bowed slightly, keeping his eyes locked on the Queen. It was as if the other man wasn’t even in the room.

“Dear, your hair is a mess. What is so urgent?” her voice was soft and clear but her face looked as though something great was saddening her. She looked this way often, her burden secret to most of the castle. James knew it, he knew the things she saw when she visited the Tree in her teenage years. He also knew no one else was graced with the same knowledge and power she was. It wasn't unusual for her expression to become somber in simple daily conversations.

“Your sister.” James was curt but it felt as though his insides were bubbling. He wasn’t sure if this was even something that could be discussed around Dolas, the Sapphire Representative. He brought his hands together, ringing his fingers between each other. Estra quickly turned back to Dolas, gesturing for him to exit her room. He made a grunting noise and puffed out a billow of smoke before standing from his seat. Estra’s nose flared and she shook her head.

“Out the window, Dolas. I can’t stand the smell of your Earthly…” she waved her hand to clear the air around him and he chuckled deeply.

“Yes, yes, and it’s just herbs. Nothing to get your crown in a twist,” he smiled and nodded to James before stepping out of the room, leaving behind a poignant smell.

“What has she done?” Estra sighed and slowly sat down in the chair Dolas just left. Her sister's adventurous personality and excitable nature tended to pull her into sticky situations. Her heart meant good, and so did her mind, but every once in a while she would get caught up in some Tarian's unplanned idea, throwing caution to the wind. Just a week ago James had to bring her back from Underbelly after she spent days working the farms and using magic to over-produce food. It was with good intent, but it caused an early harvest and too much food for the cities to consume. James pulled back the curtain and watched as Dolas stepped down the stairs, making sure he wasn’t in earshot. As soon as the man got to the bottom step he turned on his heel quickly, swallowing hard before the next words left his mouth. This situation would be harder to fix, and he knew it.

“She entered the portal, I’m not sure where she has gone. West is trying to figure that out now.” James spoke quickly, his hands beginning to become sore from his fidgeting and straining them against his belt. Queen Estra stood back up with a shock, the window beside her slamming shut with a loud crack.


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